There are several ways that you can anonymize your content viewing when browsing the internet. The techniques vary in detail depending on the operating system that you use. The manual or physical steps that you have to take are different if you use a PC, a phone, or a portable.
1) Use the private browser
The version for private browsing for Chrome is called incognito. You invoke it by clicking on the user name at the top right and selecting go incognito. This mode prevents sites from storing cookies and other data collecting information about what you do. Be warned. What Google or any other company promises is not necessarily what you get.
2) Dispose of cookies daily
You need to get rid of cookies in two places. You must dispose of cookies in your browser and in your operating system. You can do this manually at least once a day. There are cookie disposal programs that you can download for free that do the job for you and take care of the super-cookies that regenerate themselves even when you delete them.
3) Stop advertising where you are
Every operating system tells the world where you are. You can tell the operating system not to do this. Look in the preferences of your browser program set up. Disable the site tracking.
4) Use a private search engine
You can go totally private. The first thing you have to do is turn off all search tools and preferences in your browser. Download and pay for a private search engine.
5) Stop personalized ads and social media ads
Ad blocking programs do not always work and many browser companies like Yahoo penalize you if you use one. You can prevent Google from targeting you with spam personalized ads by downloading the Google Analytics Browser app that allows you to opt out of personalized ads.
All social media sites have an opt-out for ads. It is in settings, security, or privacy. The reason you want out of social media ads is that the ad has a tracker and a monitor that looks at all you do on the net.
6) Break Java
Java is the program most often used to track you. Your browser control has the ability to disable Java. Use it.
7) Use a proxy
A virtual private network changes the apparent user name and location that you use. The trick is that your original browsing is bounced through several servers before it goes to the net. There are free and paid virtual private networks. You pay about $5 a month and it is worth it. Recent legislation lets the FBI invade your PVN.
Download and use the TOR browser. Turn off all other browsers. TOR not only guarantees that you browse in complete anonymity buy gives you access to the 70 percent of the web that other browsers do not let you use or see.
9) A simple way
All browsers let you have multiple user names. Create a daily user name. When you are done browsing for the day delete that name. This helps you avoid tracking and ads. It is not perfect because the temporary user name is tied to your account.